Old Meets New: Print vs Social Media

The internet has changed the way that so many people do business. Traditional forms of print media are quickly becoming obsolete in favor of more multidimensional advertisements. When companies are tasked to produce massive amounts of printed materials, they have to determine whether they need to hire someone to handle the design responsibilities to work on their staff or contract an outside organization to manage these duties. Creative solutions are needed for these materials to jump off the page and grab the attention of a viewing public that’s often disinterested.

Incorporating New into Old

The hardest thing to do when you’re generating printed materials these days is bringing the new design elements that have now become commonplace and inserting them into more old-fashioned mediums without the transition seeming too jarring. You have to find someone who’s particularly talented in the craft if you want to pull off such a maneuver. There are many different things that you could take advantage of to spice up your printed materials. One thing you have to consider is whether the measures you’re taking are sacrificing the recipients’ ability to understand your message.

Refining Your Message

All printed materials need to have a message that they’re trying to get across. Without this message, the purpose behind the printed materials even being created in the first place becomes suspect. A creative person has the ability to bring out a message within the design of the printed materials rather than letting the design run the show. Since there are so many ways that one can approach the situation, you have to incorporate all aspects into the design process. You have to bring as much new media into printed materials without the situation becoming crowded.

Utilizing Social Media

Social media is a tool that every company is trying to take advantage of. Facebook in particular is one of the more important tools out there. Twitter is coming up in the ranks, but it’s not one that can get the same results. A lot of printed materials tend to have either the Twitter username or the suggestion “Follow us on Facebook” stamped somewhere on them. This incentive works more often than not since so many people are members of both social networking websites and access their profiles via their smartphones. Any business that has a social media profile needs to take care of it in order for it to get the best results.

Taking on All Methods

The hard part about using new media to design printed materials is that you’re left wondering what’s going to work and what should be left by the wayside. You have to take all methods into consideration before you decide which method will be discarded. It’s difficult to tell what method you should use until you try it with your audience. Once you have given it a trial run, you will find that your audience will either be receptive or completely ditch it outright. The immediate response should tell you how they will look at those materials over the long haul.

If you are in need of exceptional printing services in Dallas, contact AlphaGraphics today!

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