Digital electronics are those systems that utilize a digital signal rather than an analog signal. Digital Electronic circuits are those which function with digital signals. These are distinct signals which are tested from the analog signal. Digital circuits utilize the binary notation for transmission of the signal. A digital circuit is built from microelectronic circuits called basic logic gates which are utilized in making of combination logic. Every logic gate is built to achieve a function of Boolean expression logic when acting on logic signals.
Why computer Engineers need to think about Digital System Electronics
Computer science and engineering has several fields of electrical engineering and it required to form computer hardware and software. Computer engineers have education in electronic engineering, software project, and hardware-software integration rather than just computer engineering or electronic engineering. Right from the project of discrete micro-controllers, microchips, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit design PC engineers participate in numerous hardware and software factors of computing.
The Digital electronics utilizes VLSI technology, which has importantly reduced the size and area of the circuits and has improved the correctness and presentation of the systems. For the most part, digital systems have the benefit of data encryption for the communication purposes. The data transmission is safe and secure. All these features obviously demonstrates that the digital electronic stream has extensive future scope in the modern era.
Advantages of Digital Electronics:
They are generally simple to design.
It has greater precision rate in terms of correctness.
Transmitted signals are not vanished over long distance.
Digital Signals can be kept simply.
It is more resistant to ‘error’ and ‘noise’ than analog electronics. Be that as it may, in the case of high-speed designs, a little noise can bring error in the signal.
The voltage at any time in a Digital Circuit can be moreover high or low; so there is not as much chance of confusion.
Digital Circuits have the flexibility that can alter the performance of digital circuits by creating variations in software as opposed to changing actual circuit.
Disadvantages of Digital Electronics:
The actual world is analog in nature, all measures, for example, light, temperature, sound and so on. Digital Systems is essential to convert a constant signal to separate which leads to small quantization errors. To decrease quantization errors a lot of information should be stored in Digital Circuit.
Digital Circuits work just with digital signals consequently, encoders and decoders are required for the procedure. This increases the cost of equipment.
Author Bio: The Author of this article, Arun Mohan is writing articles for Agrraj Consultancy Services and Electronics and Communications