Basics of reading a birth chart – Planets, their meanings and symbolism

Basics of reading a birth chart – Planets, their meanings and symbolism

When it comes to astrological readings, the main reference point of the astrologer for the reading is your natal chart, more commonly referred to as your birth chart. The reading of your birth chart will help the astrologer see the planets and stars that influence your life and gain insight into your personality and character traits.

What is a birth chart?

A birth chart or your natal chart is a chart that represents the appearance of the universe on the day and time you were born, based on the place that you were born. 

Your birth chart will represent the position, movement, and alignment of the astrological constellations and the planets on your birthday, time, and place. So, by studying a birth chart, you will be able to find out under which zodiac constellations you were born, the location of the planets, and how a given planet will influence your life.

There are many different aspects involved in reading a birth chart, the most basic among them being the study of the planets and what each plane symbolises.

The planets and their symbolism 

Your birth chart reveals the location and alignment of the heavenly bodies based on the time and place of your birth. Each birth chart is different unless two or more people know the exact date, time and place of their birth, like in the case of twins or triplets. However, generally, each birth chart is different from the other. For example, in some natal charts, all of the planets are in one zodiac constellation, while in others, the planets are spread far across each other. So as a crash course in the basics of reading birth charts, let us explore the planets and their meanings.

The Sun

The sun represents your fundamental astrological essence and gives you your zodiac sign, also called the sun sign. The zodiac sign is also referred to as your sun sign because it represents the sun’s location at the time of your birth. For example, if you were born between December 22 and January 22, it is the year when the sun will be moving across the Capricorn constellation, and hence your zodiac or sun sign will be Capricorn. The sun is the governing planet of the fiery zodiac sign Leo.

The Moon

While the sun represents the outer side or experience of you, the moon, as the opposite, symbolizes your inner sensitive and emotional world, all things that lie beneath the surface. The moon governs the Cancer zodiac sign.


In astrology, Mercury represents communication, logic and reason. The zodiac signs that Mercury governs are Gemini and Virgo. The two signs reflect the outer and the inner expressions of the planet Mercury – the Gemini, the outer, and the Virgo, the inner. 


Like the Roman goddess after which the planet has been named, Venus symbolizes love, beauty and abundance. The zodiac signs governed by the vibrant Venus are – Taurus and Libra. Each sign represents a different expression of Venus. The Taurus represents the physical and the sensual side, while the Libra a more frisky but an intellectual side.


The warrior sign of the zodiac, the Red Planet, is a symbol of aggression, action, determination and will. Mars can be said to be the nuclear fuel providing us with the energy boost to meet our deadlines or getting a job done in a quick time. On the other hand, the sign Aries, known for its impulsivity and high-spiritedness, is ruled by the planet Mercury.


Jupiter represents abundance, fortune, philosophy, and spirituality as an astrological symbol. The planet expands our horizons in seeking new experiences and adventures together with education and thought. The planet Jupiter governs the adventurous and thrill-seeking zodiac sign, Sagittarius.


The planet Saturn symbolizes hard work, persistence, resilience, steadfastness, and achievements in astrology. The earth sign Capricorn, known for its ambition and enterprising qualities, is the zodiac sign ruled by the planet Saturn.


Uranus, as an astrological symbol, represents technological innovation and rebellion. The planet does not like to be boxed within the confines of rules and conventions. The symbolic representations of the planet make it the perfect ruling planet for the eccentric and free-thinking Aquarius. 


Named after the Roman sea god, the planet Neptune represents all the magical, mysterious, and spiritual realm of the unknown. Neptune realizes the intuitive, psychic and imaginative powers of Pisces’s water sign and is the sign’s governing planet.


The furthest planet in the solar system, now classified as the ‘dwarf planet’, is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Though now labelled as the dwarf planet, it holds gigantic symbolism and meaning in the sphere of astrology. The planet represents destruction, regeneration, transformation and power. 


Understanding the planets, their meanings and symbolisms will help you make more sense of your birth chart. Moreover, it will help you comprehend and appreciate the basis of astrology and its wisdom. The subject is vast and complex, and you can start by studying the governing astrological planets.

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Lorenzo Billie

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